Event – Trial of the Creator


As expected, we’re getting Maxwell this week with a high chance that it’s nerfed for global!

Period: Friday 11/18 0:00 – Thursday 11/24 23:59 PST



Don’t forget to check out the guide here.



Stats ★5 ★6
HP 3035 5043(+390)
MP 136 177(+65)
ATK 162 212(+34)
DEF 108 140(+26)
MAG 92 122(+26)
SPR 93 123(+26)


hat garb breastplate
fire ice thunder water wind earth holy dark
poison blind sleep silence paralyze confuse sap petrify





Spells Effect MP Level Rarity Unlock
Nemesis 180% AoE 1 Hit Physical Attack 17 11 0
ATK +30% ATK +30% 32 0
Genesis 180% AoE 1 Hit Light Physical Attack & 30% chance to Blind/Virus 24 41 0
Reincarnation Cast ST ~1800 HP Heal w/ 1x Mod per Turn 73 0
Sacred Song +80% ATK/DEF & Auto-Revive with 80% HP to self for 3 turns 45 80 0
Breath of Genesis AoE Cure All Ailments & +100% All Ailments Resist for 1 turn 35 94 6
Overseer of Reincarnation Recover 5% MP per Turn & LB Fill Rate +150% 1 6
Rune 210% AoE 1 Hit Light Physical Attack & AoE Stat Buff Removal 24 21 6
Man-Eater 50% Physical Damage vs Human 50 6
Solemn Authority +50% Light Resist 62 6
HP +30% HP +30% 75 6
Destiny 200% ST 1 Hit Light Physical Attack + Ignore 50% DEF 45 100 6


  1. just tired with 5000+ HP Cecil, 490+ ATK Luneth, full breaker Vaan, Refia, BC Lid (her hex was so good aginst the holy flame boss), & 500+ ATK Lightning friend. Maxwell got virus (so not immune to all but not worth bringing BC Lid), by the time my whole my team died she still had about half of the HP left :O ok maybe will try to pull COD and see if it helps -.-

  2. It won’t help. I have 2 CoD 6 star. And I use another CoD 6 from a friend. Nothing to do. She kills me every time after few turns.

  3. I tried it with my squad:

    480 atk Luneth with Diabolos
    5.2k hp Cecil
    380+atk CoD with Ifrit
    WoL for full break and some tanking help
    Lenna for a lack of a better healer and Cheer buffer
    470 atk friend Elza with Ifrit

    Everyone save for Cecil died a couple of turns after she used Endless (25% HP triggered attack). I stopped my attempt right there. Gumi how are we supposed to deal with this in Global??

      • One round for me.. so just hack the game.. just cant get a summon off in that one round, or can I? If I were to hack the game I should be able to right?

  4. I really need to finish leveling my Refia to 100, CoD with 340 atk, Elsa with 450, Cecil Cecil to tank an still no fullbreaker (finally got an Ingus at least, so I gotta leveling him too) and another Elza friend unit at 470 atk, van only get Maxwell barely past 40/45%, but that’s without a 6* healer (was using Lenna) or full break… Hopefully I can manage to beat Maxwell soon! Btw, CoD’s omni-veil gives light resistance to whole team, so I think she might be a must (using diabolos on Cecil to lower his 100% light resistance to 50%, and with omni-veil the light attacks hit him for roughly 10 dmg per tick) have to wait and see though. Hopefully we either get that need soon, or I hope Refia and Ingus will be enough to beat Maxwell

  5. I really need to finish leveling my Refia to 100, CoD with 340 atk, Elsa with 450, Cecil to tank and still no fullbreaker (finally got an Ingus at least, so I got to level him too) and another Elza friend unit at 470 atk, can only get Maxwell barely past 40/45%, but that’s without a 6* healer (was using Lenna) or full break… Hopefully I can manage to beat Maxwell with Refia and Ingus! Btw, CoD’s omni-veil gives light resistance to whole team, so I think she might be a must (using diabolos on Cecil to lower his 100% light resistance to 50%, and with omni-veil the light attacks hit him for roughly 10 dmg per tick) have to wait and see though. Hopefully we get that nerf soon, because this is getting a bit ridiculous

  6. Tried cecil, agrias, my cod 6 star , kain , refia plus 6star cod friend , the chained cods hit over 100,000 every time got it into the red but tring to dbuff buff and attack plus heal , so far this is mission impossible and a waste a resources and nrg and time.

  7. tried Cecil 6*, WoL with killer bow and 5*, Garland 5*, KEKfa 5* and Refia 6*, the support was a 6* COD.
    died after taking only 2/3 of her HP. =/

  8. Don’t really see a good strategy here unless I am missing something.

    After a few turns she can just kill 3-4 characters at a time, no matter how well you’ve kept up buffs or debuffs on her.

    CoD is clearly a must-have to win, but even then. She gets minute-long turns and can kill even a fully healed Cecil.

    Kinda at a loss here.

  9. Gave it two attempts to see how it worked. Died HORRIBLY with literally NO way to recover on turn 5. The combination of Rune wiping off ALL of your buffs + Sacred song buffing her damage by 50% AND doing damage to your party on the same turn killed 4 out of 6 of my team outright through GUARD on round 4…. leaving me with Cecil and CoD still alive to wait for the inevitable face-smashing in the final round.

    So basically, unless you have the Raw Damage to murder her before round 4, you might as well just not even try (which means the fight is practically impossible unless you have a few heavy damage units with dark attacks and Dual wield).

    And i have absolutely no idea how they expect you to survive long enough to charge an esper bar when turn 4 is pretty much guaranteed death no matter what you do, unless you stack your entire team with 6 star CoD, Cecil and a WoL for fullbreak…….

  10. After several attempts, I managed to get a win… but didn’t do any of the bonus objectives.

    Brought a damn strong party, but failed several times due to Endless.
    5k+ Cecil, 400+ def 150+ spr
    4750 Luneth, 430 atk. Diablos for ME. Enhancer/fire sword from current event.
    4750 Lightning, 490 atk. Romandan pistol and Chiri.
    4250 Refia, 350 Spr.
    3650 Elza, 380 atk. WIP, she’s still level 80. Barrage.

    Tried and failed with several 500+ atk friends, and a solid low 400’s CoD. Finally, my ~550 atk DW Elza friend was available. Barely beat her on turn 4, with the second to last Barrage hit. Managed to use friend Elza’s LB, but it did not strike the kill shot, so no bonus. Was not able to fill the summon gauge. Luneth was taken from full to death on turn 3.

  11. At last Beat it , but forgot the mission , only manace summon diabolos with lucky touch
    here my squad :
    Lightning *6 / Magic Infuse + Crushing Blow
    Ramza *6 / Weapon/Mag Break + Support
    Vaan *5 / Full Break + Cura + Full DEF+HP15% Equipment Role as semi Tanker + Black Belt to counter
    CoD *6 / with Diabolos + Support atk
    Refia *6/ Embolden + Curaja + FullLife
    Friend CoD *6 / Barrage Only

    My Strategy :
    Turn 1 : Embolden + Focus + Omni Veil + Weapon Break + Crushing Blow + Barrage
    Turn 2 : Cura + MAgic Infuse(Vaan) + Mag Break + Barrage + Barrage + MAgic Infuse (Lightning)
    Turn 3 : Curaja + Magic Infuse + Magic Infuse + Cura + Barrage + Omni Veil
    Turn 4 : Dispel (boss use Rune and Buff Atk Up)(Vaan on Esper Siren) +Cura(Lightning)+Cura(Ramza)+Embolden+ Barrage + Barrage
    Turn 5 : Curaja + Omni veil + item turbo ether to Cod’s mp depleted(Lightning)+Full Break+Weapon Break+Barrage
    Turn 6 : Full-Life(Refia) my Cod down + Turbo Ether(Lightning) to Refia + Mag Break +Cura +Omni Veil
    Turn 7 : Curaja+Magic Infuse(Lightning)+Cura(Ramza,Vaan)+Barrage+Barrage
    Turn 8 : Full Life(Refia) my Vaan Down + Cura(Lightning) + Hero Rime(Ramza) +Omni Veil +use Item Turbo Ether to Cod
    Turn 9 : Curaja + Full Break + Magic Infuse(Lightning) + Barrage + Barrage
    Turn 10 : Full Life (Refia) my Ramza Down + Cura (Lightning,Vaan)+ Omni Veil + item Elixir to REfia
    Turn 11 : Embolden(Refia) + Cura(Lightning,vaan)+Weapon Break(Ramza)+Barrage+Summon Diabolos by Accident when Attempt to use Barrage
    Turn 12 : (Boss Use Endless ) Curaja+cura(Lightning,vaan)+Mag Break(Ramza)+Omni Veil+item Mega Ether to CoD mp depleted
    Turn 13 : Dispel(Boss Use Another Rune and boost Atk)(Vaan)+Curaja+Weapon Break+Cura(Lightning)+Barrage+Omni Veil
    Turn 14 : Curaja+Weapon Break(RAmza) +Magic Infuse (Lightning,Vaan)+Barrage+Barrage
    Turn 15 : Curaja +Cura(Ramza,Lightning)+ Full Break + Barrage + Barrage
    Turn 16 : Curaja + Cura +Magic Infuse + Magic Infuse + Barrage+ Barrage(Forgot use Limit Burst to get 10k karma -_-“) Bos Die …

    my opinion Cod is the most need in this bos fight, maybe with 3 cod s , i hope can clear all party stay alive till end fight , and Dont ever use Cod Ultimate skill maybe it dmg more than barrage but it depleted your mp,and also you’ll use skill omni veil alot in this fight so , try not to risk it unless you bring many mp pot like turbo ether mega ether elixir
    maybe this my strategy useful as your reference , Enjoy ^^

  12. The guide helped me along and I won the battle. I used CoD, WoL, Lightning, Refia and Elza (from a friend). Between double healing with Refia and Cecil, barrage from CoD, full break and Elsas 42mp attack (can’t think of it at the moment) I won the fight and fulfilled the evoke criteria to get maxwell on my team! It can be done and one doesn’t need a team filled with TM equips to do it either

  13. managed to clear with all the rewards
    my team 6*cecil HP 6252 DEF 420 Golem esper
    6*refia HP 4145 SPR 421 Shiva esper
    6* Luneth HP 5487 ATK 514 Ifrit esper
    6* COD HP 4061 ATK 351 Diabolos esper
    5* Agrias HP374 ATK 243 Siren esper
    Friend 6* Lightning ATK 583 esper

    took me 3 tries to complete all rewards
    To summon diabolos Esper tactic
    first turn i will embolden+omiveil+focus+full break+cut through+crushing blow
    second turn cura+barrage+cleaning strike+auto cecil+cut through+crushing blow
    third turn curaja+barrage+cleansing strike+auto cecil/or curaja depending on HP of whole team+cut through+crushing blow
    fourth turn this is the part where it gets tricky by now maxwell HP should be at least left 1/5 or less in the red zone is best. full break+omiveil+focus+auto luneth+auto lightning+auto refia these actions will keep the HP of maxwell in the red zone in order for you to kill her off at least with 2 hard strikes from lighting and luneth.
    firth turn maxwell will hit hard back in fact killing some of the team off. before her turn auto everyone except cecil to provoke in order for maxwell to aim cecil. try to keep your refia alive,she can full life your important luneth and lightning if they are down. let cecil block and take damage for the team.
    sixth turn curaja then make sure maxwell HP is within killing zone within a turn. if you are lucky, you can evoke diabolos now, then finish maxwell off with lightning and luneth

  14. Got Maxwell after 2nd run
    My Party was 6*Cecil ,5*Wol, 6*Refia, 5*Titlith 6*COD and bring one DW 6*COD

    The main 2 trick is only use Barrage to build up Orb to call Diabolos
    Try to survive instead of high damage deal in each turn
    every 4 turn guard all of your Weak member , only Cecil will be able to do Curaja with Unguarding
    Dispel after that and Fullbreak later
    I manage until turn 13 to kill her by using 2x Call of Void because no unit have LB full

  15. About my tenth try. Just beat Maxwell with a limit burst after evoking Diabolos. I will not be trying to beat her again to get the award for not letting anyone get KO’d. It’s not happening.

    Here’s my group and what I used them for

    COD 6* max (omni veil and barrage, elixirs as needed once vaan died)
    Lenna 5* max (cheer, dispel, and curaja)
    Vaan 5* max (only role is full break and giving out elixirs)
    Lightning 6* max (area blast to charge limits and evocation bar, items as needed)
    Cecil 6* max (focus, sacred guard, curaja, evoke Diabolos)
    COD friend, 6* max with dual wield rising suns- got super lucky having a friend with this (barrage)

    I evoked Diabolos on the second to last turn with Cecil. After that, Maxwell used rune, killed Cecil (who valiantly defended COD with the limit burst almost charged) and took lightning down to minimal health. Lightning counter attacked which filled up CODs limit burst.

    Final turn: Regular attack with lightning because I didn’t want to kill Maxwell. I imagine if I had done 1K more, Maxwell would have died. Then used CODs limit burst. Luckily, that was enough to be the final blow. Otherwise, I would have just killed her with my friend COD barrage.

    Final turn,

  16. Managed to clear it
    I used:
    6* CoD (With diabolos)
    6* Refia
    6* Cecil
    5* Garnet
    5* Mustadio (dont have any full breaker)
    Friend: DW CoD

    Strategies pretty much like everyone else: try to keep as much buffs on as possible and keep her debuffed, and remember to dispel when she gains atk boost

    My Garnet aproach helped summon Diablos much earlier, not losing a turn once things get way harder, plus having a 3rd healer enables Cecil and/or Refia to cast Focus/embolden while garnet heals
    Downside is that my dmg was basically from my “decent” CoD and badass friend

    On other attemps I bringed friends with DW elza, that dealed quite more dmg than CoD, but none was able to stand the last part of the fight…. And losing her crippled too much my dmg

  17. Died first try, but cleared with relative ease after second try, but took 2 more tries for summon Diabolos. Limit break mission is too much effort for too little return so gave up.

    My party:
    CoD (dw, barrage)
    CoD (lvl 90, barrage elemental buff)
    Tilith (buff, heal)
    WoL (full break)
    Cecil (heal)
    CoD or Elza (dw friend, dps)

    Basically just keep up spr/def buff, elemental buff, full break up at all times. Get your primary healer HP over 3k using HP% abilities, and heal with Cecil and main healer and you can survive until MP run out.

  18. I was able to clear this last night. I’ve tried a few times before with no luck. F2P no TMs

    5* WoL (Lightning Hammer, HP+15 materia, Muscle Belt)
    5* Rydia (Used LB to fill evocation gauge)
    6* CoD (Equipped with Diablos)
    6* Refia (Healer, Embolden)
    6* Cecil (Equipped with Golem and Evoke)

    Whale Friend: 6* Elza (544 atk equipped with Ifrit)

    The first turn is used mostly to build up some crystals for LB/esper.
    Use a Hyper on Rydia to help get her LB maxed fast
    Elza used Ravaging Blow to lower Def/Spr, CoD used Barrage, rest attack

    2nd turn:
    Embolden, Cecil uses curaja, normal attack and barrage. Rydia’s LB gauge is fully charged now

    3rd turn: Evoke Diablos, Refia uses Curaja, Rydia uses LB to fill esper gauge to full. Now CoD evokes Diablos. Time to bring the damage. Elza uses Madness Rush, WoL uses Full Break, Cecil uses provoke

    4th turn: Everyone defends as long as the health is good.

    5th turn (everyone is still alive): Refia and Cecil use Curaja, Rydia uses Dispel (or holy torch if needed) to get rid of Maxwell’s buff. WoL uses Full Break, Elza uses Madness Rush, CoD uses Call of the Void.

    Continue (No special strategy anymore) until Maxwell dies. I think only CoD and Elza were left standing.

    Make sure to bring Hyper and Holy Torch as items with you.

  19. add info :
    Lightning esper Golem (hp10%,hp10%,Def10%,def10% materia ,all tanker equip)
    Cod with Lunar PEstle esper Ifrit (atk 10%,Destroy Authorityx2,Def10%, attacker equip)
    Cod with Kangaroo esper Diabolos (hp10% ,Def10%,hp10%,def10% , attacker support equip)
    Refia esper Shiva (def 10%,def 10%,hp 15%,hp10%materia , healer equip)
    Vaan esper Siren (Lightning Hammer , 15% hp materia , def 10% , spr10% , Cura,all tanker hp equip)

  20. I beat Maxwell twice, once for Dark Resistance and the other for her as a party member. I got the 5% Trust Moogle, as well, but somehow ended up with a second one after the character unlock.

    Has anyone else run into this?

  21. Finally defeated that bitch !!!!
    My team was: vaan, lenna, cecil, refia, luneth and cod. Took me 20 turns, 3 exilirs, 3 phoenix down, 5 turbo exilirs, 4 dispel torch and a lot of tries.
    Strategy: Curaga,cheer,omni veil and full break all the time. Provoke and mp recover each 3 turns. Revive every time. I dont have any trust master, good equip nor monster friends, just the power to not give up.

  22. Finally defeated that bitch !!!!
    My team was: vaan, lenna, cecil, refia, cod and luneth. Took me 20 turns, 3 exilirs, 3 phoenix down, 5 turbo exilirs, 4 dispel torch and a lot of tries.
    Strategy: Curaga,cheer,omni veil and full break all the time. Provoke, dispel and mp recover each 3 turns. Revive every time. I was able to summon diablos on 8th turn and before she died i used vaan’s Limit Break.
    I dont have any trust master, good equip nor monster friends, so its possible for anyone.

  23. I want to share for currently unable to defeat maxwell :
    1. ‘Must’ has unit with hp at least 3,6~4k hp , def tanker 360+ , spr 120+ with no resist elemental or esper stat
    2. fight her until turn 4 on your turn , here the trick maybe some minor bug, don’t do anything
    3. ‘Force’ close you FFBE apps, tab on menu than swipe it to close , then clear out your ram using in apps os tools , i’m using Xiaomi there apps to clean ram call ‘Cleaner’
    4. reload you FFBE apps , then you get ‘Turn 1’ again with current hp , limit bar , esper bar , and she did not cast Rune at all , repeat it until finish,
    add info : there a chance she on “turn 3” mode where do genesis 3 times random atk 6 times that’s why you need my ‘1st’ term or wipe out

    • add info :
      remember before fight bring :
      turbo ether , ether , mega ether (if has one recipe from colo adv), elixir , phoenix down , x-potion , y-potion
      you’ll need all of them coz this long turn fight and endurance fight, but i ‘ve tried it 5 times with my other id with no tm, and only *5 unit with limit equip from npc and previous event

  24. Finally invoked diabolos after 5 tries ended up having to use rydia’s limit ability
    ended in 5 turn
    luneth, cecil, lenna, rydia, ingus, and super luneth friend <- he did 99% dmg.

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